How to look good in jeans at any age 您所在的位置:网站首页 jeans jeans How to look good in jeans at any age

How to look good in jeans at any age

2023-05-04 21:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The alpha move for 2023 is to buy vintage jeans and polish them up. 

If you’ve got a decades-old pair hiding in the back of the wardrobe, consider this your cue to give them another spin. One person’s perfect, of course will never be the same as another, but for many, the original Levi’s 501 style still hits the mark 150 years on.

The best fit and the right style according to your decadeTeens and 20s 

This is your time to experiment: big flares, baggy cuts, patchwork, you name it. You have come of age at a time when trends are meaningless and individuality is king, so embrace it and get creative with your personal style. 

Your generation knows that there’s a thrill in unearthing a brilliant pair of jeans in a kilo sale or on [vintage clothing platform] Depop – and they can look far better than anything you’d find on the high street, although Weekday’s Pin jeans are good go-tos, available in 10 washes. 

And that’s before you think about customising them. Japanese sashiko embroidery is a chic way to do it – but you already knew that, didn’t you?






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